With interest rates higher than this time last year, it’s vital that you are getting the right mortgage advice, and mortgage offers, which could save you hundreds of pounds each month.
That’s why at Stonebridge Homes we work closely with Mortgage Advice Bureau (MAB), to ensure our customers are getting the best deals possible for their situation, and the best impartial advice.
And it’s not just us who highly rates Mortgage Advice Bureau. Recently, we saw that Money Saving Expert, Martin Lewis, named Mortgage Advice Bureau in his top 5 of the current top mortgage brokers in the UK.
We spoke to Scott Richford, Mortgage and Protection Adviser at MAB New Homes, about this, and he said: “It is great to be working for one of the top mortgage brokers in the UK at present. MAB are a forward-thinking network with great technology and support and are always at the forefront of getting exclusive deals and working alongside lenders when they are designing their products.
“I would always recommend that people consider buying rather than renting as in essence you are just paying someone else’s mortgage rather than your own. Rates are coming down, so they are more attractive than six months ago. And with the deals that builders are offering it is definitely worth considering buying now. If you use a broker, even if deals get better before you complete on a purchase, you may have the opportunity to take advantage of even lower rates. There are options to purchase with low deposits too, so it’s worth speaking to us to see what could work for you.”
Are you looking for mortgage advice? Get in touch with MAB New Homes using their quick and easy form at New Homes Mortgages | Mortgage advice bureau or call them on 03300021230.