This year’s theme for mental health awareness week is ‘nature’.
During the pandemic, millions of us turned to nature. research on the mental health impacts of the pandemic showed going for walks outside was one of our top coping strategies and 45% of us reported being in green spaces had been vital for our mental health. A 1960s study in the US found that patients who were treated in hospitals with a view of nature recovered faster, and the last year has shown the extraordinary health benefits that being in the great outdoors can bring.
Even just small contacts with nature can reduce feelings of social isolation and be effective in protecting our mental health, and preventing distress.
How can you look after your mental health?
– Talk about your feelings
– Keep active
– Eat well
– Drink sensibly
– Keep in touch with people
– Ask for help
– Take a break
– Do something you’re good at
– Accept who you are
– Care for others
Like many other companies over the last year, Stonebridge Homes has implemented several new ways of ensuring a regular flow of communication and contact with colleagues. As we look to return to our offices we are mindful of the anxiety and worry this may cause people. We have decided to continue with an element of home working (where roles permit), with staff being offered hybrid working of up to two days a week and 85% of staff have chosen this option. We know that nature is important and we’re including plants and natural woods to bring the outside in when we return to Head Office. In addition, we have introduced several virtual options for colleagues to join in including ‘time to talk’ sessions, an ‘ask me anything’ forum, ‘Kitkat’ breaks with our MD, 30-minute ‘lunch and learn’ events, and an informal newspaper posted out to everyone that communicates company news – with a good dollop of trivia too! We are also organising a virtual escape room event in June.
How to get some help?
Download top tips on connecting with nature to help with mental health and looking after your mental health
If you need help, advice and someone to talk to there are plenty of confidential organisations out there. Please, don’t suffer in silence #samaritans #calm #mind #youngminds #shout85258 #movember #anxietyuk #matesinmind
Construction Industry Helpline 0345 605 1956 – Managed and funded by the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity.
Mind, the mental health charity 0300 123 3393 – Provides advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
The Samaritans 116 123 – Confidential 24-hour support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.